Education Consultancy – Business Plan Outline
Education Consultancy is the backbone of every civilized society. It is the essential key for the development of a country. In recent years the essence of education has been reduced to rat race of securing 95 plus percentage and admission in IIT and IIM. The failure to achieve this benchmark has led to frustration amongst students as well as their parents and has created a void which has a lot of scope for the role of an education consultancy. Through this business venture, you can guide the students to make wise and relevant higher education choices which will be in accordance with their capabilities and in turn you can also make a profitable business.
Setting up of Consultancy
Starting up of an education consultancy doesn’t require a huge capital investment. However you will need to procure space for your office (if you do not have your own space), a desktop with printer, scanner and photocopier, a telephone and fax machine and of course some office furniture and electronic items like fridge, AC, et cetera. Now that you have your own office with proper set up you have successfully completed one of the basic requirements.
Necessary Qualification
Being in the field of education is no easy task. You need to be fully aware about the present situations and also analytical enough to foresee the coming trends. Since the end result of education is to be ready for a career you need to have proper knowledge of different courses available in the market and the career options one can have after completing them. Your knowledge and expertise about different courses should not only cover pan India Universities and institutes but you will also need to know about foreign courses, process of getting admission and required paperwork.
A degree in psychology will help you to understand the students and their parents and will equip you to put forward your point of view in an effective manner.
A short-term course in public speaking and marketing will also be beneficial for you and one also needs to be a good salesman to succeed in this field.
Why a Business plan?
Every startups and wannapreneurs will have a common question in their mind. During the initial stage, why a business plan? A business plan will help you to figure out how to proceed in the right direction and also the business plan is the right place to benchmark your progress, a Business plan is a living document; it will grow along with your business.
It’s All About Marketing
Entering the education field is not as difficult as most of other segments. But the main struggle lies in creating a niche in the field for oneself. The decision to enroll in a particular course is very important for a student and as well as the family, so they would want to hire a consultancy that has a good reputation and reviews. Networking is the key to success. Organize seminars and talks in reputed schools, colleges and coaching centers, network with the right people and establish yourself as an expert of education. Reserve stalls in book and education fare; be seen and heard in every relevant event. Engaging with students and parents through Facebook pages and blogs is also very important along with contributing articles and publications in newspapers or education magazines.
Don’t forget to research and know what your competition is doing and what you can do better to attract more clients.
Being an education consultant requires a multifaceted personality. Your success will entirely depend on your confidence, how well you understand the expectations of your clients, how you put forward your point and what facts you have to back up your claims. Another point to remember is while meeting with the client look sorted, composed and organized. Keep everything you will need handy and at arm’s distance, fiddling around to find stuff will be a great turn off. Also don’t forget to hand over your business card and brochure after the meeting so that they remember and recommend you.
Contact our Business consultants for more about Education Consultancy