There are many general contractors who have concrete cutting skills. It’s a useful skill set to have because lots of homeowners and businesses need it. You can make a lot of money as a contractor if you have this skill in your arsenal.
Concrete cutting does come with some inherent risks, though, and you never want to hurt yourself. To avoid that, you should be aware of and follow the safety tips that we will discuss in the following article.
You Must Make Sure You Have All the Right Gear
If you are going to tackle a concrete cutting job, you will certainly want to make sure that you have all the right gear. The list is long, and normally includes gloves, hearing protection, a face shield, and glasses or goggles to protect your eyes.
You will also want to have a respirator. That will protect you from the silica dust that tends to blow up when you are in the middle of such a project.
You Need to Make Sure All of the Gear Fits
It’s not enough just to have the right gear, though. You also need to make sure that it fits perfectly.
If you have gloves that don’t fit, for instance, they will not be able to give you the grip strength that you need. The vibration can be very tough on your hands if that’s the case. You can get painful blisters.
Your goggles need to fit, since they can squeeze your head painfully if they don’t. Normally, you can adjust the strap if that happens.
Keep Your Work Area Clean
It’s of paramount importance that you keep your work area clean while you are cutting concrete. If you slip or trip then you can easily sprain an ankle, break a bone, or sustain a concussion.
Start each day by checking the job site for hazards. You can conclude the day by cleaning up. There’s always enough time for that.
You can also use slip-resistant footwear. The work area should be well-lit to show you any obstacles before you run into them.
Make Sure All of Your Electrical Equipment is in Good Working Order
You will need to use some electrical components when you’re cutting concrete. You must check that equipment each day to make sure there are no damaged elements.
Go over all of the cords leading to your power tools. If you see any that are frayed, you will need to replace them without delay.
Don’t Hire Any Workers Without the Necessary Skill Set
If you are in charge of hiring some individuals who will do the concrete cutting with you, make sure they know what they’re doing. If you doubt their credentials, ask them to demonstrate their abilities.
If they have any references, check them. If they don’t seem to know how to use all of the tools you’ll need for the job, you’ll have no choice but to hire someone else.
Use the Blade Guard to Prevent Kickback
The blade that you utilize to cut the concrete needs to be used with the guard that comes with it. This guard keeps the blade from jarring loose in the kind of motion that workers in this field refer to as kickback.
If you’re not ready for that kickback, and you’re not using the blade guard properly, you can severely injure yourself. Make sure you’re using the guard and that all of your coworkers are doing the same.
Sharpen the Blade if It’s Dull
To cut concrete, you need a sharp blade. Make sure that the blade is sharp before you begin each day by carefully testing its edge.
If it needs to be sharpened, do that. A dull blade might make you lose control of the saw. You can sustain a serious or permanent injury if that happens.
Don’t Work in Unsafe Weather Conditions
If you’re working outside and cutting concrete, you need to make sure to only do it on days when the weather is cooperating. If you try to do the job when there’s heavy wind, rain, or other poor atmospheric conditions, that can cause an injury or damage to property.
Keep an eye on the weather report the day before you’re going to be doing the cutting. If you see that there’s a storm front moving in, it’s probably best that you reschedule for a later day.
Don’t Work if You’re Fatigued
If you are fatigued, then it’s best that you don’t do any concrete cutting on that day. For instance, if you have had an exhausting week, and you only got a couple of hours of sleep the previous night, put off this part of the job.
If you have a boss, they might not like it, and the customer or client who hired you may not either. You’re the one who might get hurt if you’re going on virtually no rest, though.
Get enough sleep, and also make sure you’re properly caffeinated. A cup of coffee or a favorite energy drink is a harmless vice if you don’t overdo it, and it will also give you the focus you need for this kind of assignment.
Try Not to Leave the Job Half Done
If you’re cutting concrete, that’s the sort of job that you want to complete in one day. You might take a break for lunch or if you need a rest, but you don’t want to have some half-cut concrete sitting out overnight.
Start early enough in the day so that you can be sure you will finish before nightfall. If you’re working after dark, make sure you have floodlights so that you have a clear view of what you’re doing.
If you follow all of these rules, then your concrete cutting job should have a satisfactory result. You will be able to say that you helped complete a project that you can add to your resume.You should earn a five-star review for your business as well. That can help you get additional work.