Improve Your Office Work Environment, and Productivity with Natural Light, Office Plants, and Clean HVAC

Through evolution, our subconscious has been programmed with an inherent desire to commune with other plant and animal life. When we remove ourselves far enough into nature, we feel the life-sustaining fruitfulness, options for safety, and fire materials. This is foundational comfort.

On average, Aussies spend less than ten days a year outside of the city in which they work. If you spend 40 hours a week in an office, I pray ownership and management recognize the values of office plant hire in Sydney.

Vacant matte finish walls, false lighting, empty halls, and isolation cubicles are institutional and leave you exhausted at the end of your day and dreading the next morning. Did you know most heart attacks happen before 9 am on Monday?

Start your search for a happier employment life today if you dread going to work. I have learned that happiness does not include work. Work is a tool used to provide options. At its core, happiness is the lack of want. The fewer options you want, the less work you have to tolerate. I digress.

Lately, the work environment conversation has been focused on the ability to cooperate despite differences. I am confused by this because all thing benefits from variety, and no two people are the same. Where there is darkness, pour in natural light.

 Drop those cubicle walls or make them transparent to control sound but spread light through the office. Some people are sensitive to natural light; move them away from windows to respect them and everyone else who needs natural light. Do not allow one person to shade an entire office of people.

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) wick moisture out of the air as a part of the heat exchange process. Your skin is also wicked dry when in the office all day or at home with HVAC operating. Home air con works with the same physics, only a smaller application.

Dust mites are invisible allergy triggers. Mold, pollen, and mites can be trapped in poorly ventilated cycle office buildings. It is easy to have the air quality tested to see what you are breathing every day.

Some solutions to consider are regular garbage service, steam cleaning of fabrics every two weeks, HVAC ducting cleaning annually (more frequent in humid locations), non-flowering plants, HVAC in-line filtration systems upgrades, natural cleaner for closed offices, and fresh air.

The NSW government has posted work environment comfort and air-quality standards on this link. Find out and protect yourself.

As employees, we don’t have control over many of these solutions. These changes require an engaged manager to recognize that the mental health and wellness of their workforce is a key factor in productivity, work attendance, and stress control.

Breathe easily, reduce stress, and have more energy. Bring back office plants.



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